NHS Dentist Croydon
NHS Dental Treatment Croydon
Dentist Croydon

Prim Smatsorabudh was a voracious buyer of high-end handbags, authorities say: Givenchy, Fendi, Chanel. At one point, she was T.J. Maxx's biggest online customer in the world. She was also prone to making returns - over $1 million to that store alone. Federal prosecutors in Virginia say it was all part of a lucrative scam. Smatsorabudh returned fake bags she bought from replica handbags overseas, they allege, then sold the real products on eBay and Instagram. Smatsorabudh, 41, of Arlington appeared in court Wednesday; a judge agreed that the Thai immigrant is a flight risk and replica prada ordered her held at least until a potential custodian can be found. She came to the United States on a student visa in 2010, Department of Homeland Security Special Agent William Corcoran testified, although he indicated that she had entered and exited the country previously. He did not say which longchamp outlet uk school she attended but said she withdrew in May. Corcoran said federal authorities began investigating Smatsorabudh in 2015 after T.J. Maxx flagged the high volume of cheap louis vuitton returns and started monitoring her, putting over 200 bags she returned in a warehouse for inspection. All of the bags examined by representatives from luxury brands have been deemed counterfeits, Corcoran testified.


If you normally pay for NHS dental treatment, there will be three standard charges. The amount you pay will depend on the treatment you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Your treatment will fall into one of the following ᎄS쯰>

Band 1

This charge will include an examination, diagnosis and preventive care. If necessary, this will also include X-rays, scaling and planning for further treatment

Band 2

This charge will include treatment covered by the Band 1 charge PLUS additional treatment such as fillings, simple root canal treatment or extractions

Band 3

This charge will include treatment covered by the Band 1 and Band 2 charges PLUS more complex procedures such as crowns and dentures.

For information on NHS charges Click Here

All clinically necessary treatments will be available on the NHS, ie. treatment that is necessary to secure and maintain your oral health.

Treatment for cosmetic or social reasons, eg. scale and polish to remove staining on your teeth, is no longer available on the NHS. Our fees for this start from 堡nd are in addition to NHS charges.

If you want treatment that is purely cosmetic (For example, tooth whitening, white fillings or white crowns on the back teeth), you can decide to have this done privately. You should ask for your dentist how much this will cost.

You can agree with your dentist to have some of your treatment provided privately and have a written treatment plan (including costs) if you are receiving a mix of NHS and private care.

You should be prepared to pay the full cost of treatment at your first appointment. We reserve the right to refuse further appointments unless payment is made.

You do not pay dental charges if you are:

  • aged under 18
  • aged 18 and in full-time education
  • pregnant, or have had a baby in the last 12 months
  • you or your partner gets Income Support, income-based Jobseekerllowance or Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
  • you are named on a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
  • you are named on a valid HC2 certificate

Please note: You will be asked for proof of exemption on arrival to the dental practice


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